Have you ever thought about why sometimes what seems like the easiest thing to do, is the hardest? You know which direction to go, and yet, you take a different route? Well, allow me to explain with some common words and phrases that come to mind. Accountability, the truth, apology, ownership, make it right, do the right thing, treat others with respect, keep your word - do what you say you’re going to do. I can go on and on but I’m sure you get the picture by now.
Interestingly, the one word that continues to often drive people in the wrong direction is PRIDE! Good ‘ol pride! The funny thing is, a lot of people take “pride” in what they do day-to-day, pride in your job, pride in your schoolwork, pride in your appearance and how you carry yourself etc. Well this is not the type of pride that drives one in the wrong direction. The pride that is blinding, that leads us down the wrong road and is aggressive, is hubristic pride. Hubristic pride is the pride that hinders us from doing the right thing. The same word we use to be excited about a quality or skill, is also the same word that causes us to make bad decisions.
So how do we choose which pride to use? Well that’s simple! All you have to do is remember the following guiding principles:
Be accountable
Be honest, with yourself and others
Take ownership, It’s not always everyone else’s fault
When you have knowingly wronged someone, make it right. It’s okay to be the bigger person
Treat others with respect, especially your elders, your parents and authority figures
Keep your word by being dependable
And at the end of the day, treat others the way you would like to be treated. As I was once told, in our next life, we will not be judged on how others treated us, but we will be judged on how we treated others. So, be a positive role model and an example for others to follow, not allowing your PRIDE to steer you in the wrong direction. It really is okay to lose, as long as you pick yourself up and try again. That's called GROWTH!
Don’t allow your pride to make you act or react in a negative way.
It really is that simple!